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+32 (0)58 533 999 My Immo Europe Last-minutes

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions complete the reservation of a furnished holiday home and form an integral part of it.
1 Bookings
Immo Europe only accepts bookings from persons aged 21 or over. For non-family groups on holiday, all travellers must be 21 years of age or older. If on arrival it appears that travellers do not meet our conditions, Immo Europe may still cancel the booking. Immo Europe reserves the right to decline a booking at any time, without having to give a reason. Bookings will be confirmed digitally within 5 working days of receipt along with an invitation to pay the deposit. If no email address is available, the booking will be confirmed by post.
The guest is responsible for checking the accuracy of the confirmation. Any inaccuracies or alleged inaccuracies must be reported to Immo Europe in writing (by email or post) within 10 days of receipt of confirmation.
Still haven’t received confirmation 10 days after booking? Contact us immediately, by phone on 0032 58 533 999 or by email at reservations@immo-europe.be
Bookings are only final after the deposit is received. Booking a holiday home by paying an advance implies unconditional acceptance of these terms and conditions.More information about this under section 6 of these terms and conditions.
2 Long-term bookings / pre-bookings
Pre-bookings are made when rental terms and availabilities are not known yet. Pre-bookings will be confirmed within 10 days. An administration fee of € 25.00 will be charged. As soon as the precise rental terms and available periods are known, they will be confirmed to the tenant. If the requested holiday home is not available for the pre-booked period, or if there is a price increase, an alternative will be proposed.
Pre-booking is entirely without obligation until after payment of the deposit. The € 25.00 administration fee previously charged will be deducted from the initial deposit or the administration fee will be refunded if the tenant does not rent a holiday home from Immo Europe.
3 Prices
Prices displayed on www.koksijdeholiday.be may sometimes differ from the price actually applicable at the time of booking. Some items included in the price are periodically reviewed such as (but not limited to) energy costs, final cleaning, etc.
Immo Europe reserves the right to change prices and/or add a surcharge. Immo Europe also reserves the right to alter discount schemes. At the time of booking, the current price will be confirmed.
The price stated on the confirmation notification is binding. Price discounts and/or special offers can no longer be applied after confirmation is received.
4 What’s included and what’s not included
4 a Included in the price
Cold water consumption, glass and fire insurance (€75 deductible at the tenant's expense) , energy consumption,  booking fee, administrative costs, taxes, final cleaning.
4 b Not included in the price
The following items are not included in the price of the compulsory final cleaning and must be done by each guest before departure: Doing the dishes / emptying the dishwasher, washing out kitchen electrics, take out the rubbish, return rented linen. Bbed linen, towels, cot, high chair, parking card or other services booked in addition during the booking procedure.
Cancellation and/or travel assistance insurance, & security deposit are not included either.
5 Pets
Bringing pets is only allowed with written permission from the owner.  See the description of the holiday home.  Indicate at the time of booking or request by phone or email before arrival
There is a €5/day surcharge per pet for extra cleaning with a maximum of €35/pet per booking. Maximum 1 or 2 pets allowed per holiday home (at the owner's discretion). Pets may not be left alone in the holiday home.
6 Payment
6 a
For booking amounts above € 150.00 a deposit of 50% with a minimum of € 150.00 is required within 8 days of booking.  The balance must be received by the rental agency at least 30 days before arrival. For booking amounts up to € 150.00 the full amount must be paid immediately.
Last minute bookings, booked 14 days or less before arrival, must be settled immediately via the online payment platform “My Immo Europe”.
6 b
The deposit serves as booking confirmation and as acceptance of the amounts stated on the booking form, i.e., rental, security deposit and mandatory or voluntarily reserved extra services, such as (but not limited to) cancellation insurance, bed and bath linen, final cleaning, children’s furniture, etc.
6 c
In the event of late or incomplete payment of the rent, you will be in default. The rental agency will send a reminder 2 days before the due date of the deposit and of the balance payment.  If the deposit has not been received by the rental agency within 3 days after the due date, the latter is entitled to unilaterally terminate the agreement.
6 d
If the balance is not paid, the tenant shall nevertheless remain responsible for it. The tenant remains liable for all costs and damages that the rental agency and the owner suffer or may suffer as a result. Amounts already paid will be set off against the termination fee.
What is our termination fee?
If the tenant does not take possession of the holiday home, he or she may give written permission to the rental agency to re-let the property on his or her behalf after payment of the balance.  A re-letting fee of 20% of the rent (without any security deposit or extras) will be payable by the tenant if the accommodation can be re-let.  30 days after the scheduled departure date, the rental agency will issue the tenant with a statement and refund any amounts due. 
The tenant may also find another tenant him or herself and is obliged to inform the rental agency of the full identity of the new tenant (guest) before the start of the rental period. In this case, no fee is due to the rental agency. All financial compensation must be arranged between the guests/tenants.
6 e
The deposit will be refunded to the tenant no later than 30 days after departure. Non-included costs such as excessive internet use, charging of cars without prior notification to Immo Europe, repairs, extra cleaning costs (art. 4b and art. 5), collection of forgotten items, sending forgotten items, rubbish removal (household waste, recyclables, glass, paper), cleaning of mattress protectors/quilts/cushions and extra's not paid for will be deducted from the deposit.
7 Fee for changes
The rental agency is not required to accept changes to the booking that are requested after the booking has been made. It is the free choice of the rental agency and the owner of the holiday home whether or not to accept these changes. For each change, the rental agency can charge a fee of € 25.00. Adding extras or changing dates to a more expensive period are not considered as changes. 
Changes or cancellations can be made free of charge within 10 days of booking and on condition that the deposit has not been paid.
If the balance/deposit has already been paid, the booking can only be cancelled in accordance with the applicable cancellation provisions (articles 8 & 9).
8 Cancellations
In the event of cancellation, the following provisions and possibilities apply.
Free cancellation is possible up to 29 days before arrival without cancellation insurance. The amount already paid will be refunded in full.
Cancellation from 28 to 0 days before arrival without cancellation insurance
The rental fee will not be refunded. 
Have you only paid the deposit? Then you still owe the rental balance despite the cancellation. This must be paid into our account within 7 days of cancellation (see your booking document).
Have you paid the balance? Then you no longer need to settle anything.
The security deposit, final cleaning, energy consumption and additional extras booked will be refunded.
Cancellation from 28 to 0 days before arrival with cancellation insurance
During the booking procedure via Immo Europe, you can take out an insurance policy with our partner Protections. This cancellation insurance can only be taken out until the 10th of the month following the date of reservation.
If you have your own cancellation insurance, you must open a dossier with the insurance broker. If the reason for cancellation falls under the terms and conditions of the insurance, the broker will refund the rent - insurance premium according to the terms of the contract.
The security deposit, final cleaning, energy consumption and additional extras booked will be refunded.
9 Insurance
Cancellation insurance:  See under 8
Fire insurance: glass and fire insurance is included with every booking. Notify the rental agency of fire damage and/or glass breakage during your stay. Scorch marks are not covered by fire insurance. €75 deductible at the tenant's expense
10 Arrival and departure
Prior to arrival, each tenant will be informed of the arrival procedure by e-mail. On arrival, hand over the printed booking document or show the downloaded document on your smartphone and receive the keys to the holiday home. Check-in is between 3pm* and 6pm and between 3pm and 5pm on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Arriving after opening hours is only possible by appointment and on condition that the balance is in the possession of the rental office before arrival.
Don’t have an email address? The information will be sent by post.
On the day of departure, the holiday home must be vacated by 10am at the latest. If the holiday home is not left on time, an extra night will be charged.
In case of early departure, the tourist shall not be entitled to any refund.
Should guests have to leave unexpectedly outside opening hours, the keys of the holiday home can be deposited in the rental agency letterbox.
The rental agency is under no circumstances obliged to pay any compensation if access to the holiday home cannot be granted at 3pm because the inspection and final cleaning have not yet been carried out.
11 House rules
Every holiday home contains an information folder with the rules that must be complied with. The house rules are also displayed in the common areas of a multi-family residence.
Tenants are required to treat the contents of the holiday home with due care and attention. On arrival, the rental agency requires tenants to carry out a thorough inspection of the furniture, fixtures and fittings and the written kitchen inventory (if any) of the holiday home and to report any damage/missing items immediately to the rental agency (by email, telephone, in the office).
Sheets must be used on the beds
It is forbidden to request extensions of the digital television offer in the holiday home, or to enter into new subscription formulas without prior permission from the rental agency. It is explicitly forbidden to purchase programmes, crack, change or pass on passwords or to exceed the available surfing capacity. In the event of infringement, an administrative charge will be payable, in proportion to any amounts lost, as well as the effort required to restore the old situation.
If after departure damage to the furniture, fixtures and fittings is found, or items are missing based on the kitchen inventory, repair and replacement costs will be deducted from the deposit.
Furniture may not be moved. If furniture has to be returned to its original position after departure, a fixed fee of € 150.00 will be charged.
If unintentional damage is caused to the contents of the holiday home, the rental agency must be informed immediately so that a joint solution can be reached.
Windows and doors must be closed in case of wind/rain. The holiday home is locked during periods of absence. Technical problems must be reported immediately so that they can be resolved.  Advertising panels may not be removed during the stay. It is expressly forbidden to move, remove, render inoperative or in any other way compromise the fire safety of the holiday home, as well as to obstruct or render unusable the evacuation possibilities. 
If a fireplace is present in the property, it may not be used, except with written confirmation from the rental agency.  Visits by the rental agency between 10am and 5pm, subject to prior notice, may not be refused.
Smoking is prohibited in all holiday homes.
12 Force majeure
Force majeure on the part of the rental agency shall apply if performance of the agreement is wholly or partly, temporarily or otherwise, prevented by circumstances beyond the control of the rental agency such as war risk, personnel strike, blockades, fire, floods and other malfunctions or events.
In case of force majeure, or following legal or regulatory provisions, which prevent the enjoyment of the holiday home by the tourist, the latter accepts that the booking can be converted into a voucher, for the value of the price, possibly after deduction of an administrative fee for the rental agency, which however shall not exceed 10% of the price.
13 Liability
The rental agency cannot be held liable for:
Theft, loss or damage of any kind during or as a result of a stay in one of the holiday homes. Defects / breakdowns of technical equipment in the holiday home. Malfunctions such as lift breakdowns, failure of collective utilities in the building, renovation works in nearby buildings or residential units in the same building as the holiday home, road works, work on general utilities (water, gas, electricity, Internet, television network).
The guest and those accompanying him/her are jointly and severally liable for any loss and/or damage arising as a direct or indirect consequence of the stay, irrespective of whether this was caused by acts or omissions of themselves or third parties who are also in the holiday home, as well as any damage caused by an animal in their possession.
The number of persons who may occupy the holiday home is determined formally in the description of the holiday home on the website. Failure to comply with this limit shall result in the immediate termination of the agreement between the rental agency and the guest without financial compensation.
If the holiday home is not used appropriately or returned in an inappropriate condition, additional (cleaning) costs may be charged.
In the event of a double booking by the rental agency or the owner, the rental agency will reimburse the guest the amounts paid plus fixed compensation of € 200.00. The rental agency may suggest an alternative holiday home if available.
14 Complaints
Immo Europe is available 24 hours a day for urgent problems (no hot water, no heating, blockages or leaks, no electricity). Other technical problems are dealt with during office hours. It is possible that on Sundays and public holidays, no repair service will be available. In this case, the necessary steps will be taken the next working day.
Notwithstanding all of the measures taken by the rental agency, there may be cause for complaint. An employee of the holiday rental service must be given the opportunity to assess this complaint directly and on the spot, in order to enable the rental agency to attempt to resolve it immediately.
Complaints relating to cleanliness will only be accepted on the day of arrival and provided that the rental agency has been able to establish and rectify the problem by sending a cleaning service. Under no circumstances will the tenant be given financial compensation for cleaning the holiday home personally.
Financial compensation will never be paid for complaints that are only reported on the day of departure.
The rental agency is under no circumstances obliged to pay any compensation if technical defects are not reported in time and/or the repair service is not given access to the holiday home to carry out the repair.
If the complaint has not been settled satisfactorily, the guest has, up to 1 month after departure from the holiday home, at the latest, the opportunity to report this in writing via the email address reservations@immo-europe.be or by post to Immo Europe, for the attention of the holiday rental responsible, Zeelaan 212, B-8670 Koksijde.
 15 Toerisme Vlaanderen (Flanders Tourism)
The Tourism Flanders agency is the competent authority where further information can be obtained about the regulations concerning tourist accommodations (Decree of 5 February 2016 on tourist accommodation and its implementing regulations) and where the tourist, if appropriate, can lodge a complaint.
Contact: Flanders Tourism Agency
T: 0032 2 504 04 00
E-mail: logies@toerismevlaanderen.be
Head office: Grasmarkt 61 1000 Brussels


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